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I decided to create a photo post about my personal impressions of the Chinese crafts and arts.

ceramic dragon on turtle

During my stay in Guangzhou I had the time to visit many museums, galleries and exhibitions dedicated to the various aspects of the craft of the Chinese artisans. It is true what scholars from around the world say – the pieces of artwork which originate from this ancient culture show great attention to the detail and deep appreciation of nature’s beauties.

actor's shoes

My impressions are very much positive not only because of these qualities, but mostly because of the emotions which radiate from the different “chef d’eoeuvres”. Every form, color and structural element has its own meaning and purpose. But that is very much the case of every style of artwork around the world. The specific thing about Chinese art is that the viewer is engulfed in a delicate work which is so realistic and yet fictional at the same time. This feeling of blurred delimitation between the two worlds is what makes us experience transcendence.

stone snail

And that’s exactly why we always try to contemplate on artworks around the world. The ever changing nature of art is a mirror reflection of our quest for perfection during our lifetime. And the talent invested in these works of art is so amazing that sometimes I think that exactly this genius is actually the divine particle which we so eagerly seek in ourselves as human beings. I cannot imagine a more exact answer to the question “What is the purpose of our lives?” than this – creating and recreating what we think is beautiful and meaningful.

golden hair pin

And no matter where is your place in the world, the process of delivering your best skills was, is and will always be appreciated by people of different cultures.

artworks from olive pyrenes

So here they are – the wonders of Chinese fine art… You must definitely find a way to view them for yourself!

A basquet full of flowers and fruits from ivory

(all of the photographs are mine)