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“Blade Runner 2049” is out and it might be even better than the old one…


Ok, so first of all I’d like to say that I very much like the 1982 first “Blade Runner” by Ridley Scott. But I don’t think it’s flawless. Actually it was a very good attempt at mixing film noir and sci-fi, maybe the best example to date. But it had actual blank spots in some characters and plot wise it was nearly, but not completely perfect.

Having said this, I am really happy that a script like Blade Runner’s got a sequel and I must say – a rather good sequel. In fact I am very happy that again Denis Villeneuve has proven himself an able director and a true visionary with an own voice and soul, beautifully presented on the silver screen.

To be able to give you an idea of what a movie you should expect to see, when you go to “Blade Runner 2049”, I will tell you that maybe you must not think of the original as the thought provoking film many people think it is. At least not in the way I see it. To me this title is really a mixture of a perfect example of genre movie. A detective story, a sci-fi story, a humanistic story, an internal cosmos story.

Blade Runner was never about logical and consequential plot and it never feeds its themes to the viewers directly. But it is subtle. Subtle in its character development, it its relationships intricate details, in the way the story asks questions, but does not provide always answers. Story wise this new movie is minimalistic, and though it has its small problems in some side scenes and decisions seen in them, the film is a lesson in presentation and evolution of characters. I am personally touched by the way Villeneuve shows us the relationship between Joe and Joi. It is realistically unnatural how we humans can accept AI and its manifestations. And the human brain works on so many levels that it seems even we cannot absorb what is possible and not, what is real and what is not. These thin visual and mental lines are for me one of the life threads of this film. Actors playing (mainly Ryan Gosling and Harrison Ford) do a stunningly good job. Almost all supporting actors and actresses fill this unreal world with life and rhythm. So overall I can say – the teams behind the script and the technological representation of ideas on the screen have done a magnificent job.

What it means to be human. What makes us happy. What puts meaning into our hearts and minds. All these questions are asked anew. The difference is this time, I feel much more connected to “K”, than I did before to Deckard. The lead character has a very hard path, but it is filled with wondrous happenings, which I believe come from very personal experiences behind the script. The connection between “K” and Joi, between Deckard and “K” are thought provoking and really a master class in cinema. I dare not say more about them, as I have to learn how these beautiful constructions work, so that I can dissect them and implement them in real life better. It is amazingly beautiful to witness such depictions of humanity in characters whose sole existence is so robotic and meaningless. I am truly astonished of the actors’ play, of the emotions behind the gestures and words. Genius!


So, I better get to the other astonishing part of this movie – the futuristic look and sound of this film. Again the creators Roger Deakins (cinematography), Hans Zimmer, Benjamin Wallfisch (music), David Doran, Bence Erdelyi, Lydia Fry (art direction) have done a perfect job. Also costumes, set decoration and makeup are on a very high level. One can feel the future when witnessing this movie. It is so real and ambient.

So I really appreciate this gift from Villeneuve and recommend it to anyone with a taste for cyberpunk, thrills and sci-fi. But most of all, I wish that we all could learn more about how important it is to do our work with passion and everlasting hunger for individual creation and love for freedom in expression. A tour de force!

